

                          MY BROTHERS I still remember when you used to hold my hand,πŸ‘« Made me feel like a fairy princess with magic wand.πŸ’ƒ Even after our endless fights and tears rolling,πŸ’” You pretended like nothing has happened and ended up consoling.πŸ’ There were times, when you got blamed for things that aren't your mistake,πŸ˜• You stood by us for our sake.πŸ‘Š Our childhood is plenty of memories,πŸ‘» Which we can cherish for centuries.πŸ’₯ You make me write your assignments,😢 Not to mention, you fulfil all my requirements.😜 In everything, you get the lion's share,πŸ‘€ Me, being your sister, is this fair.😭 I can't imagine what I would have done in difficult times without you,πŸ˜‘  I would be messed up and made it more complicated, I have no clue.πŸ˜“ Don't wonder why am I confessing,😏  No occasion needed to express my love as you are a blessing...πŸ’žπŸ’– (This post is for my brothers who stood by me in testing times. Words fail to express how much I love you and care for you

HAPPY DAYS are yet to come..

  HAPPY DAYS What comes to your mind when you read this? I remember the movie "HAPPY DAYS". May be many of you have watched his movie and joined btech expecting that everything mentioned in the movie would happen with us too.. Even there are instances where we can relate those with our current situation. When I asked a question to my friends about what are they missing about college life with respect to the movie, I got multiple answers. * In the movie, strangers  will become friends in their Fresher's party. But sorry, we had our induction program in online where we hardly knew each otherπŸ™‚ *There will be a gang of friends (preferably different sections) who can chill together, bunk classes, can have conversations in canteen room. But sorry to say this, we didn't even spend time together.(I hardly talk with people in our class. So I guess it is needless to say about the other sections)πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ *The endless fights of juniors and seniors draw our attention. But bro, we can


To  That one girl for whom I am grateful forever.. She is none other than my best friend. I have many friends in my list but what is so special about her is her straight forwardness, caring nature and her attitude.It's been 8 years since we met.There were many fights between us for which we haven't spoken for days.But I still remember that one fight where we haven't talked for an year without solving the issue.We both know that there is no mistake of us. It is the situation that led us to the position where we couldn't face each other for a while. That one year was so tough for me. I was engaged in my academics but there were many times I thought of calling her. I was ready to apologise even though there was no mistake of mine. But I couldn't take a step forward because there was one thing that kept me holding back. One day I finally made a move to call her no matter what.But the same day I received a call from her.I think DESTINY played its role. I was elated and a


Hello everyone!πŸ˜€ Recently, we have added a video to our Thop Gratitude playlist. I was overwhelmed by all the comments from my friends.I would like to share a few things about the reason behind doing that video. I am a part of THOP GRATITUDE TEAM where we make cards for all our speakers to express how grateful we are for their presence. It's not just about thanking, we also make cards for our friends on their special day to make it memorable and cheerful.We make cards for the ones who are not feeling well, wishing them a speedy recovery.These are some of the sweet gestures by our team. Now, let me share my experience. Even before joining this team, I was grateful for everything I had.But the only difference is that I was not expressing it.  How do others know that we are grateful if we don't express ourselves? FEELING GRATITUDE AND NOT EXPRESSING IS LIKE WRAPPING A GIFT AND NOT GIVING IT. After joining, I found a way to express everything in an effective way.It gives me an imm


To all the BEAUTIFUL people out there..  Hello everyone.I just want to share my views on Self love. There is a well-known quote which goes as ''One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself''. We are really anxious to know what others feel about us.At one point of time, we are really bothered about their opinion about us.Most of the times, we tend to portray ourselves as an ideal person and end up hiding our flaws just to impress others.We are concerned if we show them our weakness, we might not have a good opinion. But, what is wrong in accepting our flaws and weaknesses?We have to realise that nobody on this planet is born perfect and flawless.But, it all depends on how you work on your weaknesses and make them your strength. My mentor always says,'Extraordinary people doesn't exist, the actions of ordinary make them extraordinary.' How much time do you spend daily just for yourself? Never expect


 Have you ever thought what is the exact meaning of HAPPINESS? It is not something that you get when you lead a luxurious life,It is not something that you get from a seven-digit salary..If you think happiness can be created only if you are rich,then you are wrong. As a child what I used to think was that one can be happy only if he is either rich or highly successful.I was very upset with what i had.I used to have many complaints.But as the time flies,What I realized is that Be contented with what you have.Being rich or poor does not matter at all.Do those things that make you happy.Look for happiness in little things.Change your perspective.Change the way you look at.Change your mindset and attitude. Also I used to have many concerns about my future.May be that is the reason that made me get 10 grade points in my 10th and 96% in my intermediate.Definitely I am happy with my grades.The current system have made us bookworms and that is not our fault.But grades are not the only criteria